SA3000 Silent Alert Fire Safe Paging System for people who are deaf
The Silent Alert Fire Safe System offers service providers a simple and cost effective solution to the problem of providing fire alarm cover for people who are deaf within public buildings and workplaces.
The system includes a discreet Pager unit worn by the user. A special radio transmitter links directly to the Fire Alarm System and is triggered automatically when the Fire Alarm is activated. The Pager responds by vibrating and illuminating the fire key.
The New Fire Safe Compatible SignWave Portable Sounder Flasher is ideal for use in Hotels, residential homes & other multi occupancy accommodation as an alternative to a Pager unit.
The system is compliant with all relevant parts of:
I.S. 3218:2013
This standard was specifically redrafted to cover paging systems for deaf people linked to fire alarms.
I.S. EN 54-25:2008
Standard for Fire Detection & Fire Alarm systems which use RF (radio links) to communicate.

BS 5839-1:2013
Fire detection and fire alarm systems for buildings.
BS EN 54-25:2008
Standard for Fire Detection & Fire Alarm systems which use RF (radio links) to communicate.

The Fire Safe system has an open air operating range of up to 1000 metres.
The systems unique design helps service providers fulfil their obligations under the fully implemented Disability Discrimination Act.

The SignWave Portable Sound Flasher with volume control can be placed near the user.

Fire Alarm Interface Panel
Fire Alarm Interface panel with up to 1000 meter open air range.

A small Vibrating Pager Unit can be worn on the belt or in a pocket.